I'm a Security Researcher and a Data Scientist at IBM since October 2019.
I pursued my Ph.D. studies between 2015-2019 at the Department of Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. During my Ph.D. I worked as a Security Researcher and Data Scientist at the Malware-Lab, Cyber Security Research Center (CSRC).
My Ph.D. research is aimed at the development of a triple-layered Machine Learning-based methodology for enhancing the security of E-mail ecosystem. I'm a co-author of dozens of academic papers in the domains of Cyber-Security and Machine Learning, focus on Malware detection. My main areas of interest are Cyber-Security, Machine Learning, and Data Science.


SFEM - Structural Feature Extraction Methodology for the detection of malicious XML-based Office documents (*.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx, *.odt, *.ods, etc.) using Machine Learning methods.
Holistic analysis framework based on Machine Learning methods for the detection of malicious email. The framework analyzes all of the email's components (e.g., header, body and attachments).

Trusted Detection of Ransomware in a Private Cloud using Machine Learning Methods Leveraging Meta-Features from Volatile Memory
Novel Set of General Descriptive Features For Enhanced Detection of Malicious Emails Using Machine Learning Methods

General diagram of the triple-layered methodology proposed in my Ph.D. dissertation.
The trusted snapshotting process performed by the third layer of the proposed triple-layered methodology.
I Recieve my Ph.D. in an official ceremony at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, on June 13, 2021.
Ending my work at the Malware-Lab at the Cyber Security Research Center at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. September 31, 2019.
Submission of my Ph.D. dissertation to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, as a collection of articles, entitled "A Triple-Layered Machine Learning-Based Methodology for Enhancing the Security of Email Ecosystems". September 2019.
Teaching the 4th year at the International Cyber Security and Machine Learning (ICSML), Academic and Professional Program at Ben-Gurion University, July 2019.
Getting an award for excellence for being an outstanding researcher at Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Aug 2018.
Newspaper articles about my latest paper were published at official Ben-Gurion University website, AABGU.org, Ynet.co.il, phys.org, TimesOfIsrael.com, TechRepublic.com, hub.packtpub.com, HomelandSecurityNewsWire.com and SecurityCurrent.com. My paper named: "Novel set of general descriptive features for enhanced detection of malicious emails using machine learning methods".
Teaching the 3rd year at the International Cyber Security and Machine Learning (ICSML), Academic and Professional Program at Ben-Gurion University, July 2018.
Getting an award for excellence in research during my Ph.D. studies, June 2018.
Teaching the first year at the Amal Cyber Security Program (ACSP), Academic and Professional Program at Ben-Gurion University, March 2018.
Teaching the 2nd year at the International Cyber Security and Machine Learning (ICSML), Academic and Professional Program at Ben-Gurion University, July 2017.
Paper presentation at the Singapore Cyber-Security R&D Conference (SG-CRC), 21-22 February 2017, campus of National University of Singapore (NUS).
Participating the Cyber-Security Camp, 19-20 February 2017, campus of National University of Singapore (NUS).
New International Cyber Security and Machine Learning (ICSML), Academic and Professional Program opened at Ben-Gurion University in July 2016. I'm giving lectures in various of topics.